Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

01 July 2023

Panic in Prague


(Based on a true story)

I arrived in Prague with excitement, eager to explore the city's rich history and charm. After dropping off my bags at the hotel, I decided to venture near the main train terminal to find a place to park. As I drove down the narrow streets, I noticed a sign directing me to parking levels below ground.

I found a place to park easily enough after I had descended three or four levels. Making my way back to street level, I followed signs to stairwells lit by a combination of neon lights and what seemed like a network of skylights. The dimly lit levels were eerily quiet, and the echoes of my footsteps added to the haunting ambiance. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

As I ascended from the depths of the parking facility to the third level below, I stumbled upon a stairwell tucked away in a remote corner. My intuition told me to leave, but something compelled me to investigate further. Cautiously, I made my way up the stairs, and as I reached the landing to go up to the second level, I saw a figure crumpled on the cold, hard floor.

Fear gripped me as I approached the motionless form. I warily drew nearer and saw it was a heavy set man, perhaps in his late 30s with short dark hair who appeared to be unresponsive. His clothing was unremarkable but his blank, half-open eyes were clear signs of some physical trauma. I couldn't help but worry about what had happened to him. Panic began to bubble up inside me, and I wondered if there were muggers lurking nearby.

Summoning my courage, I glanced around, trying to identify any potential threats. The silence was deafening, and the shadows seemed to dance menacingly on the walls. With each passing moment, my heart pounded louder in my chest.

A part of me wanted to run back to my car and escape this unsettling place, but my conscience wouldn't allow it. I knew I had to help this stranger in need. Fumbling for my phone, I called the emergency services, relaying the location and my concerns about potential danger in the area.

While waiting for help to arrive, I kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, constantly on edge, and ready to defend myself if necessary. The minutes felt like an eternity until the sound of approaching sirens finally echoed through the parking levels.

Relief washed over me as the police and paramedics arrived. They took control of the situation, and I provided them with any information that might be helpful. Though my heart was still racing, I felt reassured by their presence.

As the ordeal came to an end, I couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected turn my day had taken. My visit to Prague was supposed to be filled with joy and wonder, but I had encountered a frightening moment that had made me question my safety.

With a mix of gratitude and trepidation, I made my way back to the surface, vowing to remain vigilant during my time in this beautiful city. Prague's charm remained intact, but I was now aware that even in the most enchanting places, one must stay cautious and attentive to their surroundings.

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