Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

16 July 2023

If I had a Superpower....

“BAMF” -- The signature sound effect of teleporting X-Men team member Nightcrawler.

The superpower that has captured my imagination lately is teleportation! I would love to have the power to teleport to anyplace in the world without jeopardy. That is, being able to jump instantly through time and space to any location on the planet without danger to myself or anyone else in the process. More specifically, there would be no chance of materializing into some wall or overlapping onto another person or into the middle of traffic...or anywhere that might cause me or anyone else harm. And this power could be used at a moment's notice without contingent preparation or hesitation but with a mere thought.

What bliss it would be to visit family and friends without the laborious planning and packing! I'd travel to Paris for lunch, stop by Rome for dessert and drop in on London in plenty of time for afternoon tea. I guess there would be a potential to be corrupted by such a power. It would make it easier to evade authorities and exploit the instant traveling skills for pilfering precious things. I know myself well enough to honestly say those temptations would cross my mind. So maybe, while I'm wishing, I would like for my teleportation powers to be accompanied by extra scruples... ethical boosters or immorality dampers, if you will. I might as well include that in the package since I'm wishing anyway, right?

Taessa is the character in my Tigrikorn comics who teleports. I use a “VRRRAAAMM!” for the sound.

“Tigrikorn:Beware the Demon Deev!” Cover

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