Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

19 June 2023

The Treasure (A Bedtime Story)

© by O. Douglas Jennings. All rights reserved.

Once upon a time, on the outskirts of a small village nestled amidst fertile farmland, there lived a young boy named Dougie. Dougie possessed adventurous spirit and a deep friendship with his faithful terrier dog, Skipper. Together, they were inseparable companions, exploring the wonders of the world around them.

One bright morning, after a gentle rain shower, a magnificent rainbow stretched across the sky, its vibrant colors beckoning Dougie and Skipper to embark on a magical journey. Filled with excitement, they set off on a quest to find where the rainbow ended.

Following the rainbow's arch, Dougie and Skipper ventured along the country lane and crossed a babbling brook until they arrived at the entrance of their grandfather's 80-acre woods. The woods were a place of enchantment, where sunlight filtered through the lush canopy of trees, painting the ground with dappled patterns.

As they ventured deeper into the woods, they heard a mischievous giggle echoing through the trees. It was a leprechaun! Known for their love of tricks and treasures, leprechauns were elusive and rarely seen. Dougie's heart raced with excitement, and Skipper wagged his tail in anticipation.

They followed the sound of the leprechaun's laughter, weaving through fern-covered paths and mossy stones. The air grew thick with the scent of pine and earth, creating an atmosphere of wonder. Suddenly, the leprechaun, named Finnegan, appeared before them, his green coat shimmering in the dappled light.

Finnegan's eyes twinkled with mischief as he challenged Dougie and Skipper to a game of riddles. If they could solve his riddles, he would grant them a special wish. Excited by the opportunity, Dougie and Skipper eagerly accepted the challenge.

For hours they played, with Finnegan posing riddles that twisted and turned like winding forest paths. Dougie's young mind worked tirelessly, and with Skipper's encouragement, they solved each riddle, one by one.

Impressed by Dougie's wit and Skipper's unwavering loyalty, Finnegan, true to his word, granted them a wish. Dougie thought for a moment, then spoke his wish aloud: "I wish for everlasting friendship, joy, and adventures with Skipper."

In that instant, the world around them shimmered, and a sense of warmth and magic filled their hearts. Dougie and Skipper realized that the true treasure they had discovered was not at the end of the rainbow, but in the bond they shared.

With a mischievous grin, Finnegan bid them farewell, vanishing into the depths of the woods. Dougie and Skipper emerged from the 80-acre woods, their hearts brimming with newfound joy and a deeper connection.

From that day forward, Dougie and Skipper's adventures continued, exploring the world with wide-eyed wonder. Together, they created memories that would last a lifetime, reminding them of the magical day they followed a rainbow, encountered a tricky leprechaun, and discovered the truest treasure of all—the magic of friendship.

And as the moon rose high above the village, Dougie and Skipper snuggled up for a peaceful night's sleep, their dreams filled with the echoes of laughter, riddles, and the everlasting bond they shared.


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