Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

20 May 2013


Sock Kitty Outdoor Adventure, originally uploaded by Tigrikorn.

I'm fortunate to work at a place that has an inner courtyard with blossoming crab apple trees as well as a variety of shrubs, ground cover and flowering plants. Last week the two trees' blossoms were in inundated and heavily laden with white petals. In the small space of the court yard their soft colors and fragrance enveloped me as I cut through on the walkway to the door to the wing of the building that housed my office.

This morning as I made my customary route, I noticed the blossoms had mostly fallen off over the weekend. But since the courtyard does not allow strong winds to blow the petals away, there was an almost snow-like coating on the walk way. I kneeled down to scoop up a small handfull of petals. Like little flakes, the were so tiny, soft and delicate. I could just barely feel them in my hand. They had no weight at all! I closed my fingers over my palm and brought them to my office where I found a crimson colored 6"x4" index card and laid them out on it. Oddly enough, the voice of Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins intoned in my mind, "A thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever!".

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