Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

09 November 2004

Work on Cartooning Class Fanzine TIGRIKORN 27

Screen Capture of the online online version of Tigrikorn 27
© O. Douglas Jennings and respective artists.

Just a quick entry for today (woo hooo! two days in a row!). I've been working on Tigrikorn #27* which is the comic fanzine that I use to showcase the work of my students at Kaleidoscope School of Art. Every issue one of the students or I will do a review of a comic or movie or band... Anyway, I'm doing a small review of the graphic novel Superman: Red Son published by DC comics, written by Mark Millar and illustrated by a host of guys (pencillers, inkers, letterers and colorists). It's and "Elseworlds" story that reimagines Superman as a Soviet Hero. What if Superman's native rocket had landed on the farm of a Communist Russian family during the 1940s just before the Cold War? To me the story has particular resonance now because it explores the nature of power and national identity. I checked the book out of the library and really enjoyed it. I did a google check on it and there are tons of reviews. At this review site, there are author quotes with some background of his thoughts as he wrote the book.

This entry is my way of practicing for the review. None of my students are old enough to remember the cold war but I bet they would be able to apply some of this themes in the book to the ongoing War on Terror. There's a thought. What if Superman's baby rocket landed in the hands of a fundamentalist Islamic culture. Hmmm....

The original online version of Tigrikorn 27 crashed. I have done my best to recreate it in a PDF version that you can view HERE.

*(note added Aug. 5, 2015) Unfortunately the web version of Tigrikorn #27 does not include the review of Red Son. I'm not sure why. But the linked review listed above is a good one.

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