Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

29 July 2023

Alluring Unicorn “Facts”

A scene from the animated film based on Peter S. Beagle's novel “The Last Unicorn”

Like many children, I had a fascination with unicorns. Author Peter S. Beagle's novel “The Last Unicorn” had a profound influence on me. And I even wrote my own unicorn story for an assignment during my second year of high school. Later I would “re-engineer” the unicorn conceptual type by adding traits of a tiger to create my character “Tigrikorn”.

Most often depicted as a majestic and supernatural creature resembling a horse, with a single, spiraling horn on its forehead. It is said to possess an aura of purity, grace, and untamed beauty. 

The allure of its legend lies in the belief that unicorns are rare and elusive, appearing only to those who are pure of heart or possess noble intentions. Throughout history, they have been associated with healing, wisdom, and magical powers, making them symbols of hope and enchantment. The idea of encountering a unicorn has captivated the imaginations of people across cultures, creating a sense of wonder and mystery that continues to fascinate to this day.

While unicorns are often considered mythical creatures, there's an interesting historical aspect to their existence. The unicorn has been depicted in various ancient civilizations, such as Mesopotamia and ancient China. Interestingly, the myth of the unicorn might have originated from real animals. In ancient times, travelers and explorers may have stumbled upon the remains of extinct creatures, such as the Elasmotherium or the Indian Rhinoceros, and interpreted their fossilized skulls as belonging to unicorn-like beings. These misinterpretations could have contributed to the widespread belief in unicorns throughout history.

Excellent Video on the History of Unicorns:

Myth maker, unicorn maker: C.S. Lewis and the reshaping of medieval thought.

View the famous Unicorn Tapestries!

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