Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

24 February 2023



Illustration © 2023 by O. Douglas Jennings. All rights reserved.

My wife, Shanaz, left for her night shift at the lab on schedule about 9:45 PM. I was dozing on the couch while watching TV when she called my cel not long after she left the house. “My tire had a blow-out!” I sat up to clear the sleepy fog out of my head. “Are you ok? Where are you?”

“I’m on I-90 on the left side shoulder.”

I’m glad I had not yet changed into my pajamas and just needed to grab our keys and my wallet. Our daughter Emily had arrived from her work by then and asked if she should come and I said it would be best if she stayed home. I was to take my car to Shanaz for her to finish her commute to work while I waited with the car for roadside assistance from our insurance.

Fortunately, we made the car trade off and Shanaz got to work on time. Meanwhile I sat in the disabled car on the phone on hold with the roadside assistance agent. It was 10:25 PM and a windy 14 degrees (F) outside.

“Be anxious for nothing…” I recited to myself from the Bible verse, “…but in everything through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made to God and the peace that passes understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” I was thankful that I could run the car to keep warm as it had enough fuel.

Around 11pm, the agent told me, “Sir, the tow & repair service on call tells me that it will be two hours before they can reach you.”


“And you will need to pay a $50 deductible.”

As we were talking, I noticed police lights in my rearview mirror. An Illinois State Trooper (they look so young these days!) tapped on my window. 

“I notice you have quite a blow-out there.” After checking my license, he added “I’m going to call Highway Maintenance and they can fix that for you. They should be here in about 15 minutes.”

Illustration © 2023 by O. Douglas Jennings. All rights reserved.

Sure enough a service truck pulled behind me and a man in yellow coveralls with florescent stripes told me, “Sir, it’s very cold outside. You can stay in the car while I get everything ready. You’ll only need to step out when I  switch out the flat tire with the spare —It will be like a pit stop at the races!” he added cheerfully.  

With his hydraulic jack and power tools, it took very little time. He accepted no payment and I thanked him sincerely! I was on my way home a few minutes after 12am. When I arrived home my daughter Emily told me she had been praying for me and was happy to hear how the Lord answered her prayer as we talked over some warm Camomile Tea and as I wound down after the eventful evening.

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