Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

10 January 2022

Super Hero Movie Ties with Western Flicks


Whether between Cowboys and Indians or Super Heroes, we all still love a good fight scene.

I've long been a fan of Super Hero movies. And I understand why fellow members of that fandom might rankle at the comparison that's been made between the current craze for those films and the vintage pop-culture craze for movies of the Western genre.

There are a few points I'd like to make about that comparison:

  • They are very separate sensibilities to an extent
  • Regardless, both appeal to the human taste for violence and tribalism
  • They are both to be understood in the context of their respective eras

First, I'd propose that the Super Hero genre is more "Platonic" dealing with wish fulfillment in the realm of contemporary sci-fi/fantasy. Whereas the Western was a more "Earthy" and celebratory look at the past expansion of our Nation Westward to also justify/examine that expansion and many of the injustices it involved.

Second, I feel it's a bit embarrassing how much gratifying both genres can be in their gratuitous brawling. That's what it amounts to is brawling whether in a Saloon or a Super Villain's Lair.

Thirdly (and I think I effectually mentioned this) in the context of historical timelines, both genre's are kinds of escapism from their respective contemporary realities. It seems that the ever-changing tastes of pop-culture has settled on Justice-dealing, Cosmic Saviors from universal threats. Westerns generally are unable to handle that kind of wish fulfillment. 

 So, for however long it lasts, Super Hero movies will continue to help slake our thirst for both violence and our wish for saviors.


Top Ten Western Saloon Fights

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