Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

28 August 2021

Celebrating Jack Kirby in Context


Notice who Bill Mumy (left, back) made sure to whom he was nearest in the photo.
(L-R) Jack Kirby, Jerry Siegel, Bob Kane, Miguel Ferrer, (front) Mark Hamil

This widely circulated historic photo from an early 80s Comic Con is a telling glimpse at some major Pop-Culture Icons. To me, the stand-out figure is Jack Kirby who would have been 104 years old on August 28th, 2021.

There's a certain center of gravity to this photo that is generated by Kirby even though three giants of the comic book industry are present. 

Superman's co-creator Jerry Siegel who is giving Jack a single-armed hug, seems almost to distance himself from Batman's co-creator Bob Kane. 

But it can be said that Jack Kirby remains on a higher level of creativity and cultural impact than any other titan of the comic book genre. He was a creator and co-creator of entire worlds -even universes-- of heroes!

 This is an excellent Twitter thread on Kirby:

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