Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

14 February 2021

Awaiting the 2nd Advent of the Zack Snyder Universe

Despite his supremely devoted fans, Zack Snyder's career seems surprisingly in stasis. 

 Zack Snyder's Justice League has had a tortuous path to seeing the light of day. The director's unique vision for the DC Comic's A-list heroes' long-dreamed-of feature film was initiated with his movie Man of Steel. It was further developed with Batman v Superman and it seemed to be well on it's way to becoming reality at the beginning of production of Justice League under Snyder's direction when a family tragedy forced him to leave the fate of the film to the machinations and whims of studio executives and bean counters who hired Marvel "Pinch Hitter" Joss Whedon to wrap up the production.

That's never the best outcome for a film. And if it were not for the clamor of dedicated fans on social media, Warner Bros. Studio might never have revisited the film again under the auspices of the original mastermind, Snyder.

And here we are for better or worse. I personally am the happiest when I can see an artist's unhampered vision in any art form. So, it goes without saying, that I am hyped to see Snyder's version of the Justice League movie.

And, although I am not his most ardent fan and do not agree with all of his choices as a director (his penchant for gratuitous violence being one of them), I do admire that he provides a safe space for his actors and team as well as promoting creativity and humor on set. BvS actor Holly Hunter says as much in this interview clip:


I enjoyed this video commentary breakdown of the trailer:

Another nice trailer for ZSJL:


 Ultimately, I think it's the drama of the "story between the panels" that's made so many fans feel intensely invested. The production has almost Shakespearean elements: Controversial 'Auteur', family tragedy, Mechanistic Studio Execs, 'Rival' director tapped to helm the cursed project...



 This is a nice video about the way fans united to demand the Snyder Justice League:



A Reasonable Non-troller Observation:

Read my review of Snyder's MAN OF STEEL: 

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