Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

16 April 2020

True Leader Candid about COVID-19 -- Worth Reading the Subtitles.

Check out Angela Merkel's comments (English subtitles) on the COVID-19 regarding why "Flattening the Curve" matters:

Some Excerpts:

"The curve needs to be flatter so as not to overtax the health care system... If we get to the point where everybody infects 1.1 people, then by October we will reach the capacity level of our health system with the assumed numbers of intensive care beds. If we get to .2 people, so everyone is infecting 20 percent more...then we will reach the limit of our health care system in July. "

"So that's where you can see how little the margin is. And the whole evolution is based on the fact that we assume that we have an infection future that we can monitor, that we can track. And that we have more protection concepts and that thanks to them we can loosen restrictions. But it is thin as ice...a fragile situation... really a situation where caution is the order of the day and not overconfidence."

UPDATE: Merkel continues to be an honest broker of the facts'

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