Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

06 March 2020

Celebrating the King of Sidekicks!

March 6, 2020 was the day Robin the Boy Wonder became 80 years old! You'll find a lot of info on the web about this most excellent of super hero proteges. But I couldn't resist embedding the following fun tweet (one of many celebrating RBW today)!

Special Credit is DUE:

Realizing that in this 80th Anniversary of Batman's illustrious sidekick Robin, I would be remiss if I neglected to give a shout out to Jarro, the Star Wonder!

Andy Warhol and Nico as Batman and Robin! Is it any surprise that Andy would identify most with Robin the Boy Wonder? Like the young Dick Grayson, Andy was more upbeat than grim. Even into his 50s, AW maintained a child-like, boyish curiosity and fresh outlook on life.

This video might explain why BATman's sidekick was named Robin! Gloomy Bats need to be balanced by Cheerful Robins!

You gotta see this! Actor Burt Ward's 1965 audition tape to star in the Batman TV show!

Fun, definitely ambitious, fan fic trailer:


Check out the auditions for Robin and Batman viewed by producers of the 60s TV show. It's obvious they made the best choice by going with Adam West and Burt Ward:

Aaaaannnd... here's a link to "Dick Grayson" video trends on Twitter! NOTE: Some are rated ages 13+!

One more link! To my Nightwing Fan Art on Flickr!

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