Creating graphic symbols apparently is one of the oldest activities of the human race.
I've been reading and video-watching about early human symbols left behind on cave walls all around the world by ancient people (very ancient --before recorded history!)
Many of these symbols are categorized as "Entoptic" meaning originating within the eye itself through experiences that include use of psychedelic drugs used in shamanistic rituals*.
I first heard about these symbols in this video TED talk by Genevieve Von Petzinger:
And I'm also reading about her research in her book The First Signs that I've borrowed from my local Public Library:
So far, it has been fascinating to learn how hard-wired humans are to create symbols. As a Graphic Artist, I have great satisfaction that my vocation has such ancient connections.
*Other factors that might induce Entoptic symbols within the signals to the brain from the eyes include sensory deprivation-caused trance states. Caves would be good sensory deprivation environments due to providing total blockage of light and (for the most part) sound.
UPDATE: See another video below that describes cave art that was likely made by Neanderthals.
A Link to another article below that discusses the importance of humans being able to manipulate symbols and concepts for survival:
The Deficient Animal via @Pocket— O. Douglas Jennings (@odouglasj) April 30, 2020
More examples of ancient graphic art!
At least 45,500 years old, the world’s oldest-known cave painting is found in Indonesia – and it's a giant wild pig
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) January 14, 2021
Kangaroo painted over 17,000 years ago is Australia's oldest known rock art, scientists say via @CNNStyle
— O. Douglas Jennings (@odouglasj) February 24, 2021
Wow! See this 3000 y.o. Animation Sequence below!
The oldest animation created by man 3.000 BC. Discovered in Burnt city, modern-day Iran.
— Archaeology & Art (@archaeologyart) April 22, 2022
More Early Art in the Americas:Cave paintings of La Cueva de los Manos (Cave of the Hands), in Santa Cruz Argentina. A series of caves includes more than 800 handprints in black, white, red and ochre that were put there between 13 000 and 9000 years ago...
— Darrell Epp (@DarrellEpp) April 27, 2021
In 1991, archaeologists made an unprecedented discovery in a remote region of Brazil - a massive collection of prehistoric rock art spanning over 8 miles within the Serra da Capivara mountains. Carbon dating revealed the drawings dated back approximately 12,600 years, offering a…
— Fascinating (@fasc1nate) November 4, 2023
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