Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

25 March 2016

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman -- BvS Highlights!

Toys standing in for our heroes for this blog post. © O. Douglas Jennings


To be honest, at times I thought, during my viewing experience, that it was a bit over the top, over-wrought, grim or taking too long for the plot move forward. But what I loved about it was that the Batman v Superman movie took it's premise and characters seriously and explored connections I hadn't thought of before. I loved the philosophical ruminations of the film and the attention to detail. The movie's eponymous conflict was almost a macguffin.

I had always thought, as I heard people debating who would win in a fight between the two heroes, that the question misses the point. Batman & Superman are on the same side. It's their teamwork and complimentary skills in action that make their relationship the most interesting.

I had read some negative reviews prior to seeing it. I wish I hadn't. But, to me, the movie was stunning, contemplative and engrossing. Knowing much of the comic book story material upon which the story is based, I was very satisfied and intrigued by the direction of the script by the end of the movie as it set up the premise for the Justice League sequel.

It's likely my extensive familiarity with the comics made me more receptive and patient with the film. Professional movie critics see so many movies of all different genres that they can be jaded. Most movie goers go to movies that they think they'd like to see according to their tastes. So maybe this film not for everyone.

There were quasi-religious elements in Batman v Superman. It's not a coincidence, I'm sure, that it was released on Good Friday. And, as I've always thought, the wish fulfillment of the Superman story is that there is such a thing as a man with vast power that will not be corrupted but it. I find that Batman v Superman gave me many ideas to ponder after I left the theater. I like movies like that.

Post-It Note sketch © by O. Douglas Jennings

BONUS: Check out this terrific review that lauds the cinematic delights of BvS:

A Comparison of Reviews of BVS:


2021 UPDATE - BvS Ultimate Edition Trailer:

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