Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

16 October 2013

Thought Police

Every now and then, I allow a part of my consciousness to play with a bit of paranoia. Or  maybe it's that I allow my paranoia to play with a bit of my consciousness. At any rate, I have been having the growing suspicion from the ever-increasing quantity and popularity of Police Dramas on Television that some influential group (media overlords?) is trying to condition viewers to idealize and sympathize with those agents of our government that have substantial power over us.

I respect the police and have family connections with those "officers of the peace". Yet when I watch these shows that often over-glorify the law enforcement perspective on social ills, it makes me uneasy. I feel like my imagination and my sentiments, those heart-strings of hope and loyalty, are being manipulated to insure compliance.

Like I said, every now and then my paranoia gets the best of me and I worry about the encroaching influence of the TV "Thought Police".


P.S. I shared this with a friend of mine who said "Shoot your television". Ha Ha...

I replied, "You're kind of like me in this Cartoon":
I actually hardly ever watch Network TV and never sit through entire Police Dramas. But I notice there are so many of them (as evidenced by the commercials about them including printed ads and bill boards). 

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