Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

12 April 2013

Small but lovely. One Dream to Remain.

MUMS!, originally uploaded by Tigrikorn.
A dream that remains....

I have dreamed of world travel. It would be exciting to see new vistas. But then I notice the beauty and wonder in the numerous little corners of my home that I never take the time to appreciate.

I have dreamed of an illustrious career full of accolades and high income. But then I realize I am most happy and fulfilled by a smaller circle of friends rather than the spotlight of center stage. And I feel over burdened by having lots of things.

I have dreamed of a legacy of creativity. That my works might be passed on and admired by generations to come. But then I see that there is no guarantee as to who will benefit from one's legacy. And the mists of time eventually conceals and distorts all treasures that are not hoarded into museums and appreciated by only the elite few.

So I have chosen one dream to remain: That my family and friends know that I love them. And that when I pass from this life, I won't have left any burdens or trouble for another.

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