Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

19 March 2013

Lingering Doubts

“Isaac could feel his core beliefs being shaken.”

20 year-old Isaac Sheldon couldn't shake what began as a small lingering doubt. The stimulating discussions with a group of students during the meetings he attended at the campus Student Center of his university were causing him to question the validity of everything he was raised to believe. And not just the students in general, but one in particular, Ginny --so smart, so with wonder and curiosity--who seemed also to enjoy talking about philosophy and science particularly with Isaac. Those were his favorite subjects. His long held beliefs, which he never imagined that he would question, were beginning to show small fissures in their very foundations.

“Sylvia had been investigating all 
sides of the issues...”

Elswhere on campus, Sylvia Kowalski was experiencing similar small but growing doubts. She and her roomate Cassandra, a level-headed yet fun-loving Anthropology major, would stay up late talking about boys, fashion, music…and religion. Cassandra seemed so well-rounded and open to life. She was raised with similar beliefs to Sylvia but had been investigating all sides of the issues normally forbidden by dogmatic ideologies. "That's what we're suppose to do in College!", Cassandra would laugh.

By the end of their Sophomore year in College, both Isaac and Sylvia would convert from their previously long cherished beliefs. Except Isaac would abandon the Secular Humanistic values his parents held dearly. He would confess his faith in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and be baptized as Ginny watched, glowing, in the pew of a church near campus. And Sylvia would tell her friends, she's abandoned the "fossilized philosophy" of her previous Catholic Faith to become a staunch rational atheist.

2014 Update:

--It began with lingering doubts.

Editor's note: Isaac and Sylvia are fictional characters and portraits of the are of random stock mug shots genrated by A.I.

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