Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

20 September 2012

Imaginary Dream Fauna


This is actually a creature I saw last night in a dream. It's a multi-eyed beast that I will imagine as part of Tigrikorn's home planet's zoology. In my dream I had the impression it was a mutated type of deer as the result of some sort of environmental impact from some industry.

Also appearing in my dream were dolphins in a man made pond that I could see as I climbed to the top of a tree. The branches of that tree made enormous swings back and forth from the wind that also caused white-capped waves on the pond. The dream ended while I searched for my wife in a burning house that had been set ablaze by faulty wiring during the wind storm. The electric wiring sparked the fire as I, from my tree, had lifted an object (toy house or something) from the roof at the instigation of my sister, and somehow snapped the live wire that had been snagged by the object. It was a very vivid dream and, as I mentioned before, included this creature that I have depicted above.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Hey, i just found your link to this on facebook. That is a pretty wild dream, it has some very powerful imagery. The sketch of the deer reminds me of a scene from samurai jack, nothing specific it just seems to fit with the style. Anyway, hope you're doing well. I'm enrolled in classes now and things are going pretty well out here in WA. Hope I get to talk to you soon.