Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

16 November 2010

Little Square Homemade Sketch Pad

© O. Douglas Jennings. All rights reserved.


Sketchbooks have become a very popular art form these days. It's a wonderful thing to see so many scanned images of them online and I've uploaded a lot of my sketchbook images as well. But I'd like to remember that sketchbook art should not be represented ONLY by exquisitely drawn finished art in a Moleskine hardcover. The image above is of a handmade 3.5" square sketchbook I used in the 90s. The front stickers I made my self and much of the book is devoted to developing my comic characters. But I have lots of notes and doodles and scratchy work that is just for fun. The stakes were not high when I drew them and most of the pages are crude (undeveloped) sketches. And that quality is much of the charm of sketchbooks. 

To promote this idea that artists shouldn't feel pressure to make perfectly drawn ready-to-publish sketchbooks, I have a viewable online version here of the entire 54 pages.   

IMPORTANT: If you download or use my art --or just enjoy my art posts, please consider making a donation of whatever you feel is fair to my Paypal account. ^_^ Thank You!

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