Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

05 January 2008

Saturday AM 01.05.08 -- Books I've been reading, etc.

This is a photo of an earlier breakfast bowl of cereal from a previous
Summer when we had black berries —no bananas as mentioned in this post.
But doesn't it look tastey? ^_^

In order to make my New Year's resolution (of blogging at least 2 times per week) for this week, I'll have to post today and tomorrow.

I was finishing my breakfast as I came into my study and sat down at the computer. I had my usual fare of cereal, orange juice, a banana and skim milk to wash down my multiple vitamins.

This morning, my radio alarm woke me up with an episode of People's Pharmacy on a local public radio station. A lady said taking tumeric tablets helped make her step dad's psoriasis skin disorder to disappear. They had other home remedies also and I like hearing about them. I wonder if that is an age thing. 'Cause I'm getting to be older and find that with friends and family of my age, we talk alot about health issues and recent ailments. I hate it in a way but it provides a sort of entertainment and connection.

Speaking of connection (... isn't that what this blogging thing is all about? ...People connecting with their personal stories... It's really what defines the human species I think). I perused the book Darwin among the Machines: The Evolution of Global Intelligence by George B. Dyson. The main point of the book is that the internet/world wide web and, in fact, the global electronic/digital infrastructure is part of human evolution. The product might be an outcome whereby a new form of intelligence will emerge as part of human intelligence by extention or as another independent entity. (Reader's eyes glaze over).

I just finished the audio book of "The Subtle Knife" which is the second book of the "Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pulman. I am hooked on this series. Still haven't seen the movie but the book version is terrific.

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