Point of Exquisite Suspension

Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

23 February 2025

Early Encouragement In Art Evokes Fond Memories


Photograhic style illustrated “reenactment” of my 8th grade mural-creating experience.
I found what I feel is a suitable quote shown to represent the one I lettered
which I can longer recall.

One of my earliest affirming experiences as a young artist came near the end of my eighth-grade year when my school principal assigned me to create a mural on paper, covering an entire 4' x 9' hallway bulletin board.

He had noticed my growing involvement in art over the past couple of years at our small Southern Illinois grade school, and I was thrilled to have such a large space to create.

For inspiration, I chose imagery based on a book that deeply resonated with me at the time—Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. The novel, an allegorical tale about individual empowerment, had gained popularity, and its message spoke to me.

Mr. Schwarm, our principal, generously allowed me to dedicate time each day to working on the project until it was complete.

Using pastel chalk, I created a scene of seagulls in various sizes and flight positions against a vast blue sky. On the far right, I depicted the largest and most detailed seagull, representing the book’s protagonist, Jonathan Livingston Seagull. On the far left, I lettered a quote from the book, though, oddly enough, I no longer remember the exact words.

The mural caught the attention of the Southern Illinoisan, a regional newspaper, which sent a photographer to capture an image of me standing next to my work and published a caption about me, the mural, and our school.

A friend recently sent me a screenshot of an archived copy of the photo. Though the reproduction quality is poor, the overall composition of the mural is still discernible, even if the finer details are obscured.

This experience remains a cherished memory—a testament to the encouragement and kindness of my principal and the supportive academic environment of my school. It was one of the first steps toward my future career as a graphic artist and art instructor.

Using AI, I recreated a photographic-style re-enactment of that moment in memory of the experience.

See a copy of the original photo below, dated May 6, 1974.

17 February 2025

The Parable of the City in the Submarine

Once, there was a great city housed within an enormous, meticulously engineered submarine. Its founding fathers were masters of math, science, and ocean craft. With their wisdom, they built a vessel designed to run perpetually, requiring only basic and efficient maintenance, all carefully outlined in a clear and detailed manual.

As time passed, the first generation of founders gave way to the next. These successors faithfully followed the manual’s instructions, and the Submarine City flourished. The third generation, too, maintained the tradition, though some began questioning the relevance of the old manual. Still, enough skilled leaders and workers upheld its principles, allowing the city to thrive.

But as generations passed, fewer citizens saw the value in learning the skills the founders had used to build and maintain their world. New factions emerged, distrusting the manual and dismissing its maintenance protocols as outdated and unnecessary.

Then came a charismatic demagogue, rising to power on the promise of eliminating the “wasteful” effort, expense, and manpower spent on maintaining the Submarine. He and his followers imagined an ocean being kept from them—a freedom they believed had been unjustly denied. Given full authority to enact his vision, he installed screen doors on the Submarine.

That was the last generation before the fall of the Submarine City.

© O. Douglas Jennings

16 February 2025

Oliver North Sketches from 1987

 The Twitter/X post below reminded me of sketchbook drawings I made during the Congressional testimony of Oliver North in 1987.

Here are the sketches (Click to see full size):


12 January 2025

Andy Warhol Creates Art on a Computer


Warhol's previously lost self portrait was recovered in 2014.

A variety of samples of Warhol's Amiga digital art.

Debbie Harry's portrait by Warhol is mentioned in the video below.

Although he was active in the initial emergence of digital art using computers Andy Warhol unfortunately did not live to see the ongoing growth and phenomenal impact of computers on art creation since the mid 80s.

Warhol famously became an official promoter and spokesperson for the pioneering Commodore Amiga computer which touted its ground breaking digital color art tools and features. His output using the Amiga platform included portraits, self portraits and original art in his signature style incorporating image repetition, found imagery and a Pop Art color palette.

In this video installment of The Invisible Photograph, we see how a team of computer scientists, archivists, artists, and curators teamed up to unearth Andy Warhol’s lost digital works

Although Amiga became defunct when Commodore declared bankruptcy, other companies like Apple and Adobe continued developing more advanced tools for artists that now are a permanent and ubiquitous part of the art and design landscape. Every smart phone now has not just a camper but simple apps that can enhance, modify and add to imagery using drawing tools and A.I. art-generative features.

There seems to be no question that Warhol would embrace A.I. Art Generation. He loved the idea of automatic, industrial-like techniques for making portraits and every other kind of imagery. He thrived on playfulness and creative experimentation with styles and technology in his art. 

Another Article on Warhol's Amiga Art

02 January 2025

Paul Lehr Art Appreciation Post

 One of the most iconic and memorable images from my years as a teen reader of Science Fiction is an illustration on the cover of a 1968 edition of Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein (see cover below).

The work “GROK” which has been appropriated by the online X social media platform as the name of their AI feature was originated in that novel. In the story it is based on the Martian word that loosely translates as “profound understanding”.

My post here is not to delve into the plot of the novel but to remark on how the image of the two connected profiles of woman and man has had a long term resonating impact on me as a visual symbol.

Through my online research I have learned that the artist who created the image is Paul Lehr. Here is a brief biography I have found for him:

Paul Lehr (1930 - 1998) American artist. Lehr studied illustration at the prestigious Pratt Institute, where he worked under Stanley Meltzoff, an early influence on his art. Lehr was an artist and illustrator well known for the cover art he produced for science fiction novels in the 60's and 70's. 

He created several memorable illustrations for Science Fiction novel covers that can be viewed more thoroughly at this search page link. Thumbnails from that page:

So here's to Paul Lehr! He was a tremendous and masterful artist. I hope you can explore and enjoy more of his work.

31 December 2024

Art Demo Creation + AI collab


Super Hero pencil sketch on buff paper inked with sharpie.

I found a Cartooning Class demonstration drawing in my files (photo above) which I decided to finish using Adobe Photoshop and the FOTOR AI Art Generator app. 

My first step was to scan the art and use Adobe Photoshop to add color and some background. 

Below I have a brief process animation on loop of my steps:

In Adobe Photoshop, I added flat colors with minimal toning.

See still image of my final prep stage below:

I decided to not add much detail to the buildings because that could be a good task for AI.

Using FOTOR app, I ran my digital art through various style filters. Four are included below:

The four FOTOR filtered style samples I liked best each had elements I could use.

I ended up using something from all of the above samples along with my own digital Photoshop rendering. I did this by cutting and pasting features I felt would be useful onto layers within my Demo art and modifying them to fit as you might see from my screenshot of the Photoshop workspace below.

I used numerous layers to apply the features provided by the FOTOR AI app that I wanted to use.

Below is my finished draft of my Super Hero Art. I will likely revisit it to refine it later.

My finished draft for now. 

This is to just show how AI generative tools can, I feel, legitimately help artists create. I hope it contributes to the discourse in a positive way.

26 December 2024

A Super Christmas Story


My early morning Superman sketch as an entry into my Dream Journal.

On the morning of December 20th, I sat down to make an entry in my Dream Journal as has long been my daily practice. But since I had no memory of my dreams from the previous night, I decided to make a quick sketch inspired by the recent Superman (2025) movie trailer. I envisioned a simple design prominently featuring his signature coif, his face and his logo with little other details. That's all I had time to render since I needed to get ready for what would be an eventful day as I would accompany students on a field trip to a nearby suburban mall to do Christmas shopping.

“Look! A Gallery! Let's check it out!”, suggested one of our group.

After visiting several stores and having lunch at the food court, my students ventured out for a last foray around the stores before we caught the bus back to school. “Look! A Gallery! Let's check it out!”, suggested one of our group. Every one agreed so we enthusiastically went in to feast our eyes. We enjoyed the wide variety of styles and subjects. As an Art Teacher, I was glad to point out certain paintings worth examining more closely for techniques and textures. In the far rear corner of the gallery was a picture resting on the floor as it leaned against the wall. It stopped me dead in my tracks.

“It's my sketch from this morning!”, I thought. At least it was a striking version of my sketch but in a fully rendered painting. We had to leave the gallery to catch our bus but I couldn't get the painting out of my mind.

A startling discovery was in the far rear corner of the gallery.

Then I recalled that the day before, my oldest daughter, Emily, asked me what I wanted for Christmas. At the time I told her I didn't know nor did I think I wanted anything. But now I had an answer for her. Fast forward to Christmas day when I unwrapped the gift Emily put under the Christmas tree. ”Let me take a picture”, Emily offered.

“Perfect!”, I concurred!

Manifestation complete.