Thoughts & life experiences of a Chicago area graphic artist

04 February 2012

Tigrikorn Mashups & Pop-Culture Tributes!

I  hope you enjoy this mini-gallery of Pop-Culture mashups and homages highlighting my Tigrikorn character and his friends! I'll add more as I can!

LEGO inspiration

Dr. Suess homage

Venom inspired version!


Gumby and Pokey homage!

The part of Calvin is played by me and that of Hobbes is Tigrikorn in his homage!

"Tigrikorn Fink" inspired by Ed "Big Daddy" Roth's Rat Fink Art!
You can buy a Mug with my design from Cafe Press!


The Tigrikorn Team (l-r. Tigrikorn, Cyrus, Taessa, Mert) in Gorillaz homage human form!

Inspired by the Tiny Titans comic books

Adventure Time homage!

Inspired by DC Comics' Young Justice TV series

© O. Douglas Jennings. All Rights Reserved.

The idea for this Thundercats homage was from my flickr friend Artist Alejandro. As soon as he made the suggestion, I realized it would be a good fit for Tigrikorn who is half Tiger anyway. I modified the Thundercats logo and gave Tigrikorn a "Lion-O" looking uniform. It's not an exact character-by-character correlation but I think it works.

Originally created for 365 Tigrikorn Day 199, 2011

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